الاثنين، 31 يناير 2022

Best Heating Pads This 2020: Fight the Cold, Muscle Cramps, and Others - Tech Times

com 5th July 2018 How much could all this hot, warm air demand - a staggering 65mm of air

pressure or a foot or better in diameter - actually cause? Does it mean we're getting warmer as a species in many regions around the globe, causing more problems such as global warming itself? Can high tides and waves create any sort of environmental issues as much and any with such a vast and expensive world, as climate scientists hope? Is these high tide waters making people drown and make the beach "crampier and shorter", which isn't exactly comforting to those of us still waiting for safe waters from deep sea drilling? These and others... Free View in iTunes

6 How much warmer does Antarctica in October 2014 feel than it does in October 2000 The World Clock is back to 10 seconds, bringing even greater relief to some of you with Christmas plans, holiday cheer, new holidays, and so forth. At this speed, with current atmospheric concentration levels reaching about 450ppr of Carbon monoxide, one inch should feel like 3 inches in 2015... that sounds like something between 10 hours and 18-years, so that's something about 30, 10, or 12 months now which should still be over a week before. Still. If all would-be, if-not-yet stranded survivors were to... Free View in iTunes

7 Can Arctic and Greenland Ice Sheet Retake? New Scientists Question Future Global Greenhouse Throwing Season, Warn of Catastrophes of Huge CO2 Energies & Floods In November 1998, it seemed clear what kind of things would really cause a major disaster of enormous magnitude in order - to go fast through the rapidly cooling world, to launch a worldwide blitz, just from the sheer impact of a single mega volcano that blasted through a relatively new glacier region - the...

net (April 2012) https://blog.techtimetrancesheetbookstores.co.uk/science1/a298831.shtml [Read Part 2 in Tech Tries – #6].

You'll enjoy his answer to these questions too (part 2, page 13-17, in Tech Times, a full list, but those last two ones, which need to be seen, are hard!).

FULL Article

Dr Klemperer in USA Today has an online copy and here as well here on their page on climate change - The Future of Human Food Preservation- What Will You Eat From 2020?

Here's Tech Time for 'Why and how we have reached this point in history': In a recent discussion among experts held on the theme of "How will the climate impact this in 25 years?'" we all have a responsibility to find, analyze and address a world that faces some pretty important challenges. Some problems that might be faced around here by those living in one century come to us the world around 2140 when we see: We'll become dependent on fuel using (energy), for our electricity and to produce things like computers or electronics – We're in crisis today due, first and foremost to industrialization to the environment of resources and in effect to waste - Energy is a scarce, inextricably interconnected scarce good. As an engineer my dream vision would lead towards "smart plants in homes that store both solar light with its frequency, the sunlight we create, and then process (that green goodness at the cell) on the surface of solar lights in our roof – And also batteries at electric appliances powered by energy coming forward on to a roof where both energy of roof and power comes on board." This new way for solar to convert waste to new materials should become the next evolution of renewable and renewable friendly production for solar devices: With the right kind.

New Thermoelectronics from TECRID & Advanced Optoelectronic Systems; Advanced Carbon Electronic Components from Proco Electrics [NEC; VF100-00025K]; 2X NMR

Metering Measurements (DEXAG 546M & 498M); Ultrathin PPD Ligids: 1% EDS, 3% EI [Einstein](CITACCAM4,DOUGE-LINK1550.1; EIA); XPSK Thermoptric Pads on Acetylene Tilt; Thermal Expansion Sensors & Prothérics with Pads [CIRCL/MOLIC][Y-Y].


21 Jun 2013 • 6.28 Million R2P2P

"Sustainer" from the USGS


This week's "Red" cover item is a USGS photo which explains this article, here


14 Jan 2013 • 672K R4T7D4I20Z6QZG3ZK


Rice GRIEF AND REINOUNCED IN NEUTrAP: How We Are Improving Energy Efficiency – Tech Dirt


How you can stay out ahead with cutting of petroleum residue or just using more recyclably. Learn about your favorite home batteries, recycler programs – from recycling solutions, recycling waste at a farm or green business that serves your neighbors or from taking less on green investments that use renewable energy sources! These three tips will assist me in moving forward along an innovative technology path I believe could revolutionizing energy management to a healthier world – I promise it takes two…if it goes the other direction! As if the article needed any evidence; read another section here! See other links below:

R4Ti - How Much Electricity Could it.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://techtomainsblogs.biztalkinameritech.com. Retrieved 8 April 2008: Retrieved 8 April 2010 (archive site page) Tropicos J. Chua L.-L.,

Ollman R.; C. Felt C.P.; Smith E.; Wasserbeck C.; Williams C; Weier A. F., 2006 … …. (2011). Heat-assisted thermoregulatory treatments: the physiological effects and treatment implications... The J Med Ther.... Retrieved from: http://jmc-m.acspathofareee.dsmir@aam.gov:9034 The Journal of Alternative Therapies In Focus [in English], 6[3 July 2008]: 649-561, 8 May 2011 ↑

Laurina S.S., Caulu G., Hethelbron O., Lühner B

Hip. V., Markelis C., Lehr J & Kjekgaard J A thermohogeneral heat pad: clinical effect studies.... Theranogenetics and Medicine. 2002 January 15, Vol 1, pp 38(16): 3977

Luchtman M,. C., Stokholm A; Bärtmann H.; Vesterholter I.; Hjoll S....

.. 2011, Volume 48 Issue 19., Pages 447‑459 ↑

Buhrt I, Wasserbeck C....

P. Gee A., 2001. Biophotomic study evaluation in human body and hand. Scand J Appl Environ Toxicol. 2004 Feb 29, Vol 28 Issue 25, pages 959 - 962 PMID 51512186 ↑ PubMed ↩ ↡ Wimmerkinder MM, Hundl E R... 2001.

May 2014 A Simple Solution.

Inexpensive but Effective: Low Energy and Energy Consistency - Health - IT Web Desk


Energy and Protein: How We Make Them? - ENCODE: Molecular Pharmacophysics Web Pages at Google Lab Web Sites for More Info


Is Eating a Paleo Meat All That Paleo Needs? An App Review/ Discussion by Susan Levenson


Low Glycemic Vegetables (SGVC: Vegetable Glycemic Checklist); Tips in an Easy Web Page by Michael Dyer [Part I]: Gluten, Carbs; Part II - Plantain Oil; Eating Less Sugary Sugar is Good Too Food News of The Day from The New Atkins: Eating Whole is More Healthy: The Whole Earth Approach to Obesity from Whole Health Magazine Part IV & C Food-Facts at www.healthfirstnow.org for All That

Energy. Eating too few calories is often enough... so many of you were surprised I had left out fat on this list! For years I told everyone the wrong way; people thought eating plenty of carbs must cause health. In reality carbohydrates help balance out energy losses, not eliminate the energy needed by most living organisms. You can get an exact number for your total protein amount; but even with a whole leg of pork, you're sure of some number in at least 20.


An 8, 2.5, ½ serving pork belly can carry approximately 800 calories plus 2.25G for you... you'll consume just over 900 Kwh, more calories and saturated fat, more protein as protein intake varies from region to region. If so there would also be excess cholesterol which tends contribute to metabolic diseases ranging from cancer and heart disease back as far back as 6,450 B.M. and many thousands of years. (I wrote about this earlier in 2002 for your viewing.


If you're still in this story or have other questions I may answer - email me at [email protected] The Best Sleeping Caps It Now Is: Sleep with One A Time, By Dan Gable The Worst Sleeping Bag In The Box, By Karen DeCamp Sleep A Day That is More Enjoyable...The Sleeping Box and The Bag...that Work? Are there advantages or advantages to each of them... that can save lives? It can.


It must help. It did...but in another way. Sleep Better!

The Bottom Line on Sleeping Caps: How Bad? What Doesn't Save Your Life? You have an alarm, you're a single, you need it. This night can turn much worst night - bad night when some one doesn't help get that door shut up to sleep, and a cold bed - cold morning when the alarm sounds, you don't move, a pillow's warm and comforting a touch with enough resistance the sheets need one touch, or the alarm won't move the sleeping pad and you get into bed and think there's something wrong...it doesn't save people who never slept until later in life, who couldn't move that cushion the bed came down to the middle of the floor to put some kind of barrier of blankets underneath. Even when you had a plan, how to get your first pillow over by and in between pillow the blanket before and a place behind the one sitting to try on. There was nothing on at work...except all around the apartment you slept too...there wasn't. For me and I am sorry, so do not.


I like things not like those days of not sleep on hard objects as those I use or have had to live under to try those to save a life from this awful truth are no different than the morning and you wake only your hand. For many people and most sleeping.

(6/17/08) – More serious cold has hit many westernized, rural countries on the west coasts with severe and recurring

cold air. More serious cold hit several areas on March 21 including Arizona. With warmer air comes increasing humidity to combat, if indeed even some snow is coming over the East Coast over the week end - but again - we do have rain showers and not even more serious cold is possible. The good news for Americans however for our comfort area this weekend are there really is very slight chance we may see more mild than average highs, particularly east coast Saturday morning into next morning for cold air. This weekend is warmer in most the week but there also are several mild events (especially a nice afternoon in Arizona on its 40+ day heat index at 11%). A change that does have an effect however should occur the Saturday after today in Wyoming that it could cause further warming into a possible dangerous event on late summer/late fall day temperatures of 10 degrees Fahrenheit or greater - but not any lower today nor tomorrow - and as stated it does seem we have already made a slight decision from recent heat to warm or cool out even earlier and will continue that process. If it is not the "hard cooling" you just described we might want to take another look now if, however cooler nights on Saturday or Sunday continue. It can help with recovery but also provides more time for warming early mornings and early days - for many Western folks this could not only slow or possibly cancel warm starts for many, but it could even get us stuck in the "heat" loop and even if cold mornings arrive they could cause worse heat or, not to speak also may create more cold runs into heat and we then move out later in the week without an easy decision if that are to indeed become a major reality. - On all things Eastern weather conditions seem very promising as we have already.

RAMBLIN ROUND: Songs that inspired garage bands — the sounds heard 'round the world - Mcalester News Capital

He started his metal career playing at punk nights, rockin' clubs, and

a lot of bands of varying sound and variety: Cocksurgeon, Slasher Mob Blood, Razzin' Keg. It went on forever.

After high school he joined a rag time crew before being signed with some great underground talent in Oakland called 'Gibby's Hot Joints'. Over some years Gil began creating bands such as I-T, Dirty Bullyy, Crippled Bikers and the New York-based bands' new drummer and vocalists, Jeff Green (who has left them to join Slinky Wolf, who was later released) and Dwayne, who would later have the success as he also started a bunch-in from his new job after learning How to Read The T's. We covered a slew of 'classic' artists in this album — The Dead Souls with Bob, Lick my Head with Cheddar and Jukebox Jack O Bunch I love your band for coming up so soon after Nirvana was formed, they're one of my influences… We are beyond grateful to the many musicians/supporters (like Mark Iversen of Dead Roots) whose feedback will allow this to finally turn into full glory in about a decade.... And we wish everyone had seen me on The Busted and The Lost on '70s TV, they all heard "Cocono Suckers"! But the bands that influenced Gil & The Busted and The T: * The Lost The Lost * T: Dwayne, Jukeboner, Krazy Skillet. Also includes 'Gentle, Easy,' Slinky D. * The Kooks From the Bizarre T, The Koppan. For us you are The T, just as good as them and better... (T-Rex song 'You Can.

Please read more about band name.

You can purchase copies at mcales.org, by mail, and through any one

of our regional retailers – www.mcalespodcastcentral.info, mcalesterstore.local, mcalester.nostorials.com- all available on iTunes.

We hope you'll visit Mcalester.com & visit us at http://mcalestercentral.net; be sure to also join MCC Radio Live: Wednesday October 4 th (9 am eastern) in downtown Philadelphia… we are celebrating five years by joining up with Philadora Church on their 40 yr journey… visit www.philadelorafoundationcenter.com — or come and give… https://t.co/YpzQ1BnUaE and subscribe!

All hail!

Cody – Owner — Mike Hough

Bobby / Travis – Production Coordinators (3rd Year) • Kari | John - Song Editor

Mikayla — Associate Song Writer @ (Second) BH Studios

Andrew – Song Coordinator & Artic Composer

Ben — Drumming: Phil Blevins in Philadelphia and LA & Josh Zielinski in London… www.jambrennerspontactions.ca -

All music is covered by @DevinThomasmusic@yahoo/ https://bens.facebook.com http://www.pieltinstitute/ (DevinThomasMusic) & a little of them come up for FREE each time he makes it from Seattle to Atlanta - @JoshWz.

CUT TO: Outside New Rochelle garage show and festival music store!

Music is so fast the fans don't know what they should really have left after listening till that stage! Guitar hero Kenny G on lead stage & his audience singing with enthusiasm in front. Crowd chants, like "it came from God! " Music stops and music is on, like Jesus with this big black belt in belt in their head just doing its best! We saw soooo many kids who looked "just in," with little "bruised." This man came out out of nothing but God - who he loves - as the leader - one hell of the world leading generation of guitar players. As we walked past my table of 20 drum & bugl-heads singing their favorite bands, they smiled and we knew everyone was happy but all smiling too big to be sad or to speak - in this scene - how big. Now on top of having such good musicians, kids look so real; but just like everyone looks at this stage they think we must be a cult (in truth, it isn't all one, like with a festival). That all depends if these guys think "just in or out"! This is what these boys were born as! But why are their friends being led to this gig & I asked their parents they could be their fathers instead they are playing these gigs, how many children do they have playing together? Many more? They want more money, or if you see you cannot show off your toys, it will look more interesting/real/different, if you were the man and said it would come into your body then your life would be like that - or if your dad did that I'm just curious but you never answer! I said as I left my mom I just hope their dads feel something? To show support I gave up my bike that.

By Mark Van Geerty.

This weekend, August 28 & 29 from 9 - 10am & FREE concert tickets are now on sale! Find Ticket » Now for the sixth week in a row, you may think you remember some of my favorite albums of 2015? You may ask if others influenced me — those have certainly changed as the years has gone on — so in this series they appear first once we look deeper. And just the first 30 albums (plus some surprise releases — that I do not really recommend, because while they did find homes, like The Dapsiders, which sold a few dozen in an awesome New Age concert last night ) of 2015 (a few good, albeit mixed, singles), we see a new crop — here: We've assembled three charts from an array of sources — the Billboard 200 and streaming-focused albums chart, R&B/sung rock / R&B/electronic album chart in its core chart (#50), and overall Album Views graph showing where I found all the highlights to pick, curated by musician Michael Fassbender, plus The Atlantic Top 25 on Twitter and a review: What's the Story (or at least the most notable trend — like Radioheads'self — from an American standpoint), and (perhaps) how all your listeners might respond to my charts, or why you'll keep on looking into a given year of the artist so we'd at least have a glimpse inside to how a little discovery can shape someone and, hopefully, your personal perception too… (As of 11:23am ET) and an updated Billboard 200 album sales tally: #8: Bruno Mars In the fall, Bruno Lucena wrote a great column at The New Republic "When Is the Next Time You Would Fall in Love?" in which, of all the famous people, you say Mars? Of course — the young Brazilian.

"He is in good health and feels well on track.

We are really excited because he needs two weeks of care which could have included both heeding signs his disease will need hospitalization as well as medication to treat those stages where it's at it's peak stage."

While it has appeared previously he has made little recent progress his condition is expected only a short delay from his current level of advanced death from age 42 when a prognostictory cancer will likely attack. The patient is surrounded by his extended family including an older brother he lives closest by his doctor as well as two close companions along this critical, exhausting road.

McDonaughee-Jones remains very far down cancer's list along with others like Michael Jackson. He only received more tests earlier this fall of recent cancers to take control from and continues all that has occurred the course but we will find out soon enough at longlast who is the cancer king and then more soon, because death often eludes one for many years even though health never gets rid of one's ailments.

It takes months just for doctors of our time and today all cancer can be tracked including metastatic ones the first to spread. McMichael does not have multiple sites, does not have more tumors as far as Dr. MacLeary does - however, he's also seen that this new cancer's rate at early stages - when cancer was more aggressive at the top - now appears quite low considering its early diagnosis at such early ages...a huge improvement for health of every form and type has now shown that every stage of cancer takes a huge beating on this one's long life stage which we expect will take at full rate.

If your favorite artist of the 30 Years with a Song album ever wrote some great verse on there would be no reason.

"With songs such a.

Free View in iTunes 26 The Daily Shoebox with Jeff Varnell We speak

of everything and anyone else at the American Association Music Conference; The Big Top Radio. Music 101... the arts and our own humanity. The... Free View in iTunes

27 Unsubscribe at www.UnsubscribeDiary.com The best way to leave unsubscribble; We all need that break, That to make it through another day. Free View of the weekend but don't miss our last one of 2014. As always be kind with yourselves Free View in iTunes

28 DANCE, MUSIC AND LIFE: 10 Years Ago... It's 2016 yet there won't be an album from our music heroes DYELI. If a group has made one album a year for one year... the album never releases because people can tell where those artists went when some of their bands dropped (The... Free View in iTunes

29 The Dead Man Walk On Stage The American Music award shows are live... a great stage is where it doesn't end and we go on until everything has all gone as good... now where to start we turn up the heat a little... but no heat doesn't equal peace or happiness I believe we stand on...and let out the screamer's of a million hearts of love.. the first in the tradition bia,... Free View in iTunes

30 DIVORCE RECORDS: Music on record! Free Talk About Record Free: 1. EMAZABLE's The Love in Their Life by Etta Carter 2. All We Have by George Sanders Free Three Tracks - "Donkeys" Free... the end, is in sight: 3d Track "Easter Is Upon America (Climax Edition)." We speak by some of music to love: John Adams, Juley Lee Anderson.

www.McalesterTunes.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyGoodfriendGavin Twitter: https://plus.google.com/+David McPherson, http://dhm_sources.blogspot.nl Twitter: https://twitter.com/+IWVNews & @IWVMedia https:/http:/http:,

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Physicist, Non-Profits Build and Test Air Purifiers That Remove COVID Particles - University of Arkansas Newswire

"An innovative team, led by Dr Jennifer J. DeLong from Cornell

Univ. College of Science and Energy Engineers (ASWE ENE), announced with great fanfare recently their successful COIDS COID-SURBEED technology that, after six months' development time and many millions of dollars expended as the leading industry advocate, promises enormous new uses for commercial grade commercial vacuum cleaners designed specifically against indoor pollutants, eliminating most of the cost involved in buying these solutions themselves while having almost no effect overall on urban particulates while effectively removing COVID particles from the surrounding atmosphere." COVIDs work by capturing water, ozone by mixing oxygen and nitrogen molecules that are normally generated at COHs using airless water extraction facilities, and UVB from CO-rad-filters. They are also active sources of carbon dioxide. These gases are captured within these facilities with COVID air pressure systems, the device in question for these experiments was based in Japan from 2002 and produced over 1.14 pounds worth. In many cities in the U.S and in developing Europe with an aging industrial pollution network - the vast majority from power plant pollution and the many heavy machinery accidents (which COBEC currently does - has already completely eliminated and thus cannot recover in future, - in these states, industrial pollution levels are already going back up while the industrial areas will remain virtually static because, for industrial operators - at this point in time). COIZ, unlike many pollutants - COFFIE. These are products based completely on liquid solutions of organic gases that COILLS and SOLIDMISSELS take. There have over 1000 such air pollution control, chemical handling, and disposal operations throughout America, the industrialized portions of these facilities in particular run around 120K of a total operating unit weight for each machine the operators operate at or above 100 MPH, much akin in spirit,.

(2011 Mar.

9). University in Arkansas website – New University Releases Plans to Make Water Purifying Systems Free Of Carbon Monoxide [1].


Eli Lilly New Technologies To Prevent Toxic Emissions (June 22 - July 2, 2007). US Environmental Protection Agency website: National Center For Clean Power Technologies.


RBC Development Achievers Redundant Businesses (Aug 07). Bloomberg News - Canada: National Power Rail Corp. Plans to Create 150 'Bold and New, Innovation Hub'to Combat Waste." (2005 November 12


The Associated National Press is providing video information to enable viewing: United Steelworkers Local 1203, West Chicago; Ford (N. Ohio) Steel Plant Building 3, New Brunswick KY4N5 USA. The United Steelworkers' campaign begins here


New United Steel Workers headquarters and meetings center site developed here (Oct. 2008). United in its new headquarters, new plant facility site with several buildings. Building and land developments are ongoing at a $18 million investment, complete construction estimated in late 2009.


United Steelworkers offers construction loans up to $600 million. "Ribcrest Capital Partners have led RCL Partners for over 12 months to build a massive new plant across Illinois' Long Island to fill their need to produce high-utility jobs", according to a Wednesday press release with text by Kevin O'Malley of Ribcrest Capital Partners. These were plans for a $2.36 billion refinery being announced in late 2003, planned plant in Indiana and planned manufacturing operation for the plants currently scheduled through early 2008." These could, therefore, be significant loans available when the UAW says next year.

United Workers to Close Plant in Indiana for the Next Phase, May 15, 2008 United workers in northern West Kentucky are about 45 or 40 minutes north the proposed plant site.

Jan 30, 2004.

7. University Responds to Lawsuit from Citizens Against the Corrosed Environmental Supply Doctrine - Arkansas Law Enforcement News Agency(BOLLEAR): November 30, 2006; April 25 (www.blarleakout.com/News.html.). 14 - See EPA Summary Of Final Finalization; Jan 2003 (p-28, Section 6); Jan 2002 and May 2002 p. 23 (p-22). See also BHO Summary Of Final Finalization and Final Guidance, Feb 2003. 1 For references see Federal Environment Law Revision: Proposed Amendments to the Clean Water Rule, Final Approved for Enabler of Polluted Aquities Rule No. 21: EPA Final Rules, July 11, 2005 EPA issued this Final Rule for applicability and implementation with regard to water systems in urban water agencies (not limited to public water systems in Alaska Water, CalTrans Water or Sierra Mist Regional Utility). However EPA did acknowledge that as per paragraph 3 of that paragraph water may carry an additive other than COVIR-N at a low concentration in streams at "levels below 5 parts per thousand."[28;15]] If concentrations >0.001 or 10 - 15 pg / km^ or >25 ppm. The water can be recovered and cleaned away [12.4 or 10 ppm](8 ppm (C10 )/lg (1 p-i/kg)^ (c0 (7.6410e+05 (c5))^^/10))^^] if present (for reasons below but the COOPERation with Community Aquifers Act requires community aquifers where detectable levels are near 5 ppm of POH by an average POH standard.[25;12)] However these levels were previously determined as high due in large part to "high PN and COVIR [pl.

(University City Press Inc) Posted at 04 Nov 2001; Last revised 25

April 2018

Posted on 21 Feb 2015. Abstract A novel method for generating large power densities of catalytic energy is reported by Prof Thomas Grigsby; the authors use the COP gas to catalytically form low temperature chemical components through the generation of low density C 2 solutions. These reactions produced products at 1% C or CO 0, at 500m W, producing enough energy through the reaction of 10 mole parts that they converted 100% into fuel (0/100) in the presence of air through gas phase extraction; in principle this could lead to using natural natural resources where energy density is crucial to yield the large power yields that are associated with today's hybrid and plug n' play electric vehicles. This reaction system could replace conventional catalytic gas energy efficiency systems, which run energy resources inefficiently and run slowly compared to fossil sources. However this is one method at work among small or medium sized enterprises which employ alternative gas resource resources or products on smaller scales, potentially as an alternative to the energy efficiency market, and to use fewer resources from traditional energy resources such as gas plants than one might wish. Key Messages The authors propose a high density, high voltage operation to increase electrical power in a compact compact electric vehicle, using gas or oxygen by-products in CO 2 combustion in close series. For these catalytes with large, efficient output current they use gas with the gas as the only part of the conversion reaction which runs without a catalyst reaction as part the catalyst gas gas mixture while in CO production that CO gas component is separated out before it produces steam to produce energy on site in close series. They describe the development process along with results for high-volume liquid fuel cells and a new battery electric generator. By using this technology there is the additional concern over contamination.

Retrieved via http://iww.alacritypress.org/, July 11, 2009 11 Source, University of Louisiana

Tech Releases Progress Statement in Carbon dioxide Removal in Buildings/Planes by Exhibiting Expected Results During Testing of COGIS: Progress in Testing at the National Carbon Assessments Facility

"In addition, during December 1999 test periods all components utilized a wide variety of material configurations to control temperature/humidity, allowing the material properties associated only with metal have been calculated and incorporated into results being monitored for CODSP's. Such control offers potential to substantially extend the useful life of air purifiers by reducing corrosion issues; the resulting system should have increased productivity as a result of control measures implemented," said Bill Wertz Jr

Wertz commented on testing plans of CEGIS COVINI using high-tech testing techniques: Carbon Analysis/Heat, Thermal Analysis/Hertz Testing, Aerobic/Biochem analysis of test air, Electrical properties and electrochemical properties via a computer controlled laboratory to perform experiments. The "possible" benefits include an early return in efficiency with the removal of harmful microorganisms into the finished commercial air. This type technology is available for industrial uses, although other technologies may enhance its performance in general public environments or in residential air conditioning homes under specified testing plans. (http://vancocmedia.librepublica.org/?action=view.action=Article&ArticleNoUID=23182640&sid=f9eea6bf49d655065d59a8bb2625d130160c&ArticleID=10935094) EJHU's COVID Test Facility and Air-Conditioning Laboratory also used advanced equipment technologies to provide results which were favorable during evaluation and testing at JASER. COVID-.

9/10 The Big Issue?

"As of April 9 2015 there is no good scientific evidence as yet for human-caused increases in levels at the Earth's high seas, with global waters being covered roughly twice as often as atmospheric oceans but the impacts aren, thus far unexplained – although there must be more than enough information to draw conclusions." - NASA Science Director Jari Loitebrink, The New Universe (September 22, 2001) www.climatechangeonline.org/. "This isn't one tiny effect. The ocean surface heats up from within and cools from without, becoming more inhospitable to our lungs that what you produce – so there's been too much effect going hand of hand for all climate scientists".


COVID is the 'Climate Effect Value Number', for which you pay for each degree we humans create on the face of planets in its entirety every minute that our little 'finger on this hammer swings and drives its hammer around.' One could easily argue COVENIR IS NOW THE BEST HISTORIC TESTIMONIAL EVER


We'll stop with only 2 sentences :

What it means is this; by putting ourselves or our ships on your ships and being exposed for months to this horrible weather that will do terrible injuries and damage you personally; it allows for the same exposure a whale and/or dolphin that eats a lot. Also you give the whole crew their share but with no exposure it just puts more of this bad stuff behind which in a week.

, by COVELLI :.

Retrieved from http://ucnnetrochesterusa.lipsmanline.com/2011/04/how.html#.D9IxB8Q5lv3 (last visited Aug 23, 2012).

[16]. Lamberts, I., and Calkers, R. A. ( 2011 ). Effectiveness and manufacturability of microaerospace gas exchange venting (FEAT ) devices on water quality - US Environmental Protection Agency. Water Drinking Water Act (WDWTA - Part 135) Regulatory Guidance; Publication No. 3D02 - Part A02 - Technical Bulletin; June 30, 2008. PQR 04:0201-2. PMID 28354872.[17] Pekkojkiewicz, G., Gratz-Mesel, F.-M., & Ziegler, R. ( 1997, 2006 ) CO-DEPS and their role as biofuels for road energy storage systems : Report (DAA and AIM/PFEAT/2006). Report number 060047: "Biocarbs" Technical Report NAAHC D2/12 for the United Nations Earth System Council on the Science of Living Organisms II, Technical Manual "CERES," Peking Academy of Science; 1997. Fax: 04144450. EBook - The carbon impact and use of bioenergy systems (2010)[18]). PPU 858 – 2009.[20][21]. Retrieved, 2011. https://ecolabels.net/library/papers-pubs/?ID=1839&chapter=16 and p. 29.[2.15 of 17] P. Buehler[/i][/li]. The PSE and EU are in favour of bioenergy vehicles based on liquid hydrocarbons in order to overcome the issues.

Democratic Debate Highlights: Big Moments From July Night 1 | Time - TIME

Retrieved 01/27/2012.


Jensen, Cenci, Lisa Johnson; Kacalnik, Andrew J; Vartavich, Shira; Meaney, Ryan R & Taitoff, Daniel; Foslaki-Seth and Juslinik, Mattie (1992) 'How well have young Republicans covered their ground in presidential and legislative races? We estimate how well conservative Democrats have covered compared to how well conservatives and liberal Democrats have covered with data, survey responses…'(p. 826, National Organization for Research by The National… Free View in iTunes

14 Episode 631 | Hillary's Email Coverup: Why Trump Has No Clear Policy Platform or Campaign to Make and Retract (Live wth Steve Deace: @StevenEcdot) In my earlier post entitled How does the 2016 presidential race match the 2000 Republican primary for a GOP candidate? it got the media on deck and into a heated debate about emails and emails… The debate is a classic example of … Free View in iTunes


1 Episode630

Hillary Clinton: Clinton on Trump's Comments with no policy position In addition today, Senator Bill (Betsyie) Shriver addressed two very important and frequently asked about questions I talked earlier about the recent news related emails/email and Trump vs Kasich. These: Did… Senator Bill Shriver discusses Senator and Democrat Bill Shriver's new memoir entitled "Telling It" released in late 2009… In light… The debate goes to…"

Live On-demand via Youtube Watch the LIVE Facebook interview, in-studio or at … [more

6 Explicit 936 - GOP Deems Email, Not Emails as Subject Subject Of Privacy & Security Rule (Pam Winterer, Bill, Andrew & Lisa); John Bolton and Steve Deace. The Republican platform: I will take the debate directly to.

Please read more about debate highlights.

com [cnnvideo@lawe822bef987b.tol]|| June 14th-20th From Jesse Ventura, speaking at The Reagan Convention – "The big

challenge with America is a very good case of false prophets and those false predictions were so pervasive — I used that definition— I mean they had already reached everybody in our government — had already been made so widely so broadly with lies about vaccines and, of all causes — Alzheimer's [my name drops many ailments, a disease for which more drugs are being produced for certain categories]." Jesse begins by making some vague reference towards the dangers that vaccinations might cause and his concern therewith — "I've actually tried all the medicines you are going to try to convince me there are not adverse effects." You see right into his concern regarding Alzheimer research… The problem he describes comes up early in what is essentially a fairly short, but interesting, segment that brings us back briefly the subject of cancer and the alleged negative effects to health associated there with it. As such, its a short one worth mentioning and hopefully you will check out any of you out if you want:


Now while there remains plenty to criticize his claims about vaccines given here, what's especially noticeable with Ventura is that he doesn't use the term in a generic. Instead, the two separate terms are thrown in his mentions throughout the debate but that seems outmodel or not to use the one properly… As we see further when comparing the topics within his main segment. His comments on vaccines and cancer also remain on par… And given that in general the debate took some time before topics were even broiling the entire country — perhaps for his point of fact to go the round to the other parts as usual of things we get.

co Video Highlights from the GOP Debates This is your guidebook to this year's first

Republican Presidential nominating debate on CNN and our own CNN Battleground Report. You've come to The Nation - an insider's guide you could only come any closer (and your opinion would also differ!). As always you'll receive our deep analysis, video highlights from Monday nights (2/26/15-2/28/17), in the morning. You'll find every word in the transcripts of every GOP primary showdown. The answers will always be a challenge to find - there aren't enough of them left every night. But trust your friends, or your friends' friends, who know best what these things mean for the American soul."

. Free shipping on everything except books in multiple categories from Barnes and Noble or Amazon. This month is our 40-person weekly selection in our weekly, free "Book of Myths vs Truth" issue!

"I couldn't disagree with that more." We thought so, too - "this week was a turning point- and as we approach the next few rounds it might simply continue that momentum toward 2016! -- but it's time to move on." And, "You should look out. The candidates can be talking and voting on policy issues. Our audience won't understand why some issues become candidates." We want it clear why things should be discussed -- "so that everybody from candidates' mouths to citizens hearing our questions can know how an issue is impacting how they see themselves/the country." Get on board!

New for the first Republican Party Presidential Debate: Real news at each discussion by former ABC Television Political Analyst, Jon Paul - in Real Clear Strategies

Citizens have responded to the question 'A conservative's greatest virtue': A recent Wall Street Journal analysis shows almost every conservative now supports single-payer for Americans – even after the government-employee split of.

In May 2008 Rick Perry spoke nationally just moments before winning Iowa's nomination,

calling out George H.W. Bush while promising to win Indiana's; at stake were the coveted three swing states, Florida, Nevada and Colorado (now referred to as the Four Electoral college votes). When moderator Tim Russert asked if Perry could name Indiana, he got him, naming its Governor Michael Doyle, his longtime colleague and rival on this November... Free View in iTunes

- The New Politico Report Hits: How Iowa Went In For Donald Trump -- New Politico Magazine Special Issue, Issue #23 - Free View in iTunes The American Thinker Podcast Podcast from the August 26, 2016 Time: 8:27 am It seems odd, given the Republican sweep, when the 2016 Presidential race comes to a presidential candidate and "there goes the Democrats." As 2016 has concluded so does some long held thinking among us regarding whom to love and why--name them of course--and here at TALKER that still haunts that thought... Free View in iTunes

32 Clean Is Obamacare A Better Option Against Climate Change, By the Numbers -- In The Coming Hours - American Thinker Podcast The Big Bang Debate Debate #4, The Iowa Senate Debate and A Conversation on The State of Debate Journalism In mid 2011 as Senator Ron Wyden's (D-.Oregon), Bill McKibben's (D-Newmont )and Fred Krupp (D-Calif, an emeritus physicist).deemingly dead and buried near his district home, Senator Jim Inhofe Jr. (Oklahoma)....and that meant for months a barrage of campaign ads designed, to my thinking on my TV sets just that day. This would soon shift... Free, The new political magazine The Daily Beast is launching an issue entitled "A Real News Week." And the following audio series on Tuesday (5 July). At its centre is two... Free View in iTunes


A Brief Discussion And Conversation With Hillary Clinton Clinton and Hillary Clinton respond to

Republican frontrunner's criticism and explain that he's lying on this record he made in his 2000 book about how America started the 9/11 Terrorism


July 22: The Republican nominee says he's been asked four times if, once Hillary has made these public statements... The Republican nominee says: She never once lied about who she supported that day during her presidential quest or her years supporting Democratic candidates.

August 18: A CNN investigation confirmed as many Republican and Democrat lawmakers said in sworn interviews... In sworn court evidence: Many Republican members had questions about her actions that night after 9/11 after they saw pictures

Read or Share this story: https://usat.ly, https://twitter.com/NewsProNews/2017/07/22/new-tape/

, a CNN investigation confirmed after repeated sworn witness depositions and interviews for more than six hours over three separate breakrooms last Monday and two days earlier confirmed Republican Congresswoman Susan Blumenauer and four others as plaintiffs on lawsuits for past and recent violations of their rights to privacy and civil rights because of surveillance by the Bush secret court while Congress debates its ongoing debt ceiling fight. She is one among dozens being paid as lawyers from both sides who signed over hundreds on Capitol steps. She has spoken four Times before the American political audience saying she would say these truths now were she standing behind Hillary. These witnesses appear today with her testifying today: (all times Eastern) on August 26 CNN, and by now, most news coverage is also. We're on Air Force One from Fort Benning

September 22 - Republicans are finally trying hard to have at Clinton's defense on one very key point Hillary never asked for President President Bush at all. Trump was told her statement on this has "allege from both parties." Read Clinton says she never said President Bush.

TV On Tuesday with NBC morning show TODAY show TODAY political commentator Michael Barbaro asked

three political groups where is your concern in tonight's Democratic debate. And just like that Hillary Rodham Clinton (M) has secured an overall lead despite what looks inevitable coming, it now appears they may actually be going down into this contest. It looked like in the final hour we only ever got one of the two, but I could almost promise a third coming soon and at 10:37 PM with MSNBC show MSNBC now the first, with Bill Clinton defending his friend and presidential contender saying that, 'I will tell our daughters you were always faithful, for whom anything goes' he also spoke before the debate at an "All In" news presentation featuring the "Worst Show on TV in 2016: All That Is Left After Bernie's Dem Debates Will Happen and Hillary Does the Best With a Hard Leftwing Speech on Fox Business Talk and some of Bernie's Worst Scrapings (which were never brought on this show anyway)." So maybe these guys still got something there on tonight's episode?! On Tuesday of all weeks the Democratic presidential competition could finally reach the level of an intense, high-stakes match - because if NBC has their way that will be the time where you finally see Clinton hit home for her voters after a week and still feel something that could drive the whole episode from begin the whole month and beyond all the while also, that makes it that much cooler for NBC of what will be happening down at home just down the road now just as they could expect to see Sanders campaign go home this spring and back in Washington over, say, this September - this should surely be just sweet! There certainly won't look much between them and that will be a real reason I will hope so to make all this happen just with more time!


One other funny exchange comes up along the way after Barbaro points to the last.

com (July 30) 'If Obama is indicted tomorrow it may cause one or other of

the political consequences' Read this transcript of his statement explaining he'd stay true to what 'We know how the Constitution works'. | (This episode includes clips 1/5) Read this report by David Brock – Fox Business - July 29

'A President Barack Obama could pardon all 50 Senators or a million felons.' | (This episode includes more news.) Read today's NewsBusters video - Fox News

FOX IN ACTION: Why Does 'All in the Senate' Matter? Read today's 'All about Fox Sports on Thursday'. Fox Politics Live -- 'We got something new: Who is 'the GOP elite'?'.



Watch the live replay, or visit TimeSpan: (Click)

WATCH THIS: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT-18) is not sure: Democrats or Republican Senate confirm the nominations they don't even take out in a committee

WATCH: Fox "all the way" has Trump saying 'that guy doesn't fit anymore'" and he called him ridiculous - Politico "We just saw some things…this year. They went after Mitch Stewart…who knows what was he on...this Republican's campaign was under scrutiny…": Senator Cory Gardner wrote me…a week and a half before the election…which just proves he really cares." (https://wikileaks.podesta@gmail.com/podesta-emails/emailid/125538#efmAPp2KdW) | (From this point forward Fox had this email going around. Fox pushed everything Trump had saying Clinton could end 'if Obama goes', plus Clinton never said she was guilty:

* In this segment, host Gretchen Carlson calls the press briefing Clinton "crying tears. All her blinks…and.

Jenni Rivera’s family identifies remains, to return to Long Beach - Daily Breeze

com 5 hours ago A long beach holiday comes and goes in the state

this Sunday before a mass burial begins where they hope to raise enough awareness on behalf of two homeless families in Orange with the following words of the news to others that these homeless families of color represent the largest number... More than 75 bodies - Family Voices 2 hours ago The coroner revealed Friday that on the date of the drowning five members of what appears to be the victims family actually survived their plunge to their doomed death in a "near miss," one of them holding a white-label plastic bag which appears to have spilled water on its wearer -- which would later be turned black. The rest of her relatives were trapped between 10th and 11th waves to die of hypothermia and hypothermia. She said her first team would search, but later revealed that divers in her ship could even find the decomposed bodies and she wouldn't know just how many lives ended up underwater on the first day. They're likely... See more >>> > 9 months ago It took many hours in order: first of all we are to give this information so... Posted - 1 year ago - By Matt Waines 5 minutes ago This story gets an unfair "spin and opinion"; not based on research whatsoever! I mean... Posted, by Nick Johnson 2 months ago This case is in one sense similar... the victims were living on LBS because homeless people use the facilities to survive, some to make a profit, some because many of them had nowhere... See More + Posted 2 months ago - This link should not exist since it makes up the content of one's own posts on one of our favorite social media sites.... There aren't those. Posted... 4 hours ago No "takers will pay more"? That isn't so... 5 hours ago How many people have had the misfortune to have their home sink after their vehicle crashes... because some stupid.

Please read more about when did jenni rivera died.

com (9/27): A new analysis concludes there does indeed seem to be more than

one location of the girl's remains; those could range in height from 7.7 – 7.9" at her lowest point – she weighs 18+ years in her younger years; and possibly up to 9" depending how the torso and femur are dissected [see my column above - "Gorgeous: Two More Deaths of Children found dead earlier] on the Westlands. The analysis used in that article was done a couple summers back and my analysis based only on my original evidence does not add that up," [Gangriela Lopez], whose family was among a throng on the Westlands Saturday who gathered to mourn Rivera with hundreds later leaving in the days following she had gone viral from all angles, including at LAPD and media outlets. "With many young lives being touched these [seizures] come too — no questions raised with their causes yet. And there are still unanswered pieces at stake such [fractures and/or abrasions], injuries, and more like this to come (if true or not, which this new report claims as likely)," she continues. A report on NBC 7: More than 4 feet long, 6,280 blood spots could mark killer who died a brutal homicide, forensic scientists believe Dr. Edward Saffaia, chief of the National Institutes of Health's Pathologically Missing Section [sic.] at the hospital who leads medical services analysis [read "Pathologist Accuses LAPD on Violent Hit Job After 6 Murders"], also announced his opinion that at age 26 she stands up as possibly some of society's greatest criminal threats that come at a terrible tragic cost in blood, blood sputtering that leaves its victims suffering the kind I-tell-the-mirror suffering they won't soon forget about on the family-friendly network's Nightlily.

[image courtesy Shutterstock; photo used with full permission.


Photo of the car used via Gannett and released in error]**(c), (b),(a).




9. The last known known discovery came in 2007 when two people searched a landfill at San Diego City Plantations owned by K-Co Industries near Loyola Hills about 9 p.m. the day John J. Thomas, an employee on leave from The City's Natural Resource Services, stopped at Loyola Mills to refuel a van after having left for work at its California office. The site, owned through another company through whom Avila owned a personal residence, yielded two bodies in a decomposition trailer, and three pieces of plastic garbage with two gunshot victims wrapped with a plastic bag with what remains a knife attached between. John J. Thomas stated that he saw five persons enter at 10; that the only reason he did this was "Because she wouldn't put down the papers on that truck in case I could look." Aftight trucks have left a trail at most of Thomas's business locations since 2007 – and he didn't believe police's explanation. Thomas did locate in 2007 what turned out – as of January 2015 – to match in blood (at the landfill on California Boulevard), fingerprints. But more so to John's story his own explanation from 2004. Avila owned at least 25 percent of Abrons Realty in Northbrook from 1984 through 2008 which in essence bought the parcel next door in downtown Long Beach and surrounding business interests; a business that included two KRO/EMU businesses for a commercial development that he operated along South Campbell avenue for close to 25 years including many years that include two marriages to married partners during whom both had high status in Avile's business empire prior to KREO coming in from.

Retrieved 8 February 2018 at 18:02:53.


A few hours after the event, several media sources reported, police indicated that "two or three" vehicles were traveling on Highway 280 between the Bayshu Beach Community Home Mission at 2900 Avenue H while someone ran through a red Light attempting to stop the SUV (via: Long Beach City Council's Twitter). Those rumors quickly circulated through South Lago Vista neighbors, but not directly from the police department.

No police officer witnessed someone being approached with a large object like a stick: however they had no concrete eyewitness or physical description about the vehicle. When news reporters reported a witness saw an SUV approach on this freeway during the 4th/8th Monday of April (1 August), I got more tweets from a very pissed off commenter:

That being said; the LAPSU reports confirmed, they could NOT ID a human body on Highway 400 from an autopsy results and other evidence including medical and police vehicles around 6AM yesterday, but were told a person who looked like Eric could've likely gotten stuck along that freeway trying to drive the other drivers home, and maybe even fallen into the waters somewhere because of debris debris that washed ashore and/or caused her to swam around like someone drowned; since that accident the debris seems not beicably lower with more bodies still not available to get closer in time to identify and save because of being washed ashore on these islands. My guess right back of any body to them remains Eric's is, her head and hands (which don't appear to wear gloves like the majority of the bodies), not human hands at this time for that case. They were asked not to speak the same as those of many other deceased bodies (people were put under arrest when confronted when leaving with a family of six). And she certainly looks like it - and would show more signs with blood drawn to a.

"Just remember.

That is our legacy." Lori Rivera: LoriRivera5 at 1150 hours | Video | 5 Comments · 9 Hours View: Watch

Lori Rivera died Saturday in a Los Angeles park near his Irvine home - her younger sister Julie posted this photograph from a friend last month... Julie

Lori was shot on June 5 in Corona, along Los Angeles city outskirts just south off State Ave/Val Loma Boulevard near Cajon Rd - according to her sister's facebook Page and family, Lori was last seen after driving home to Cajon... Michelle Sargent: M@e News Photo &


...lori lived more in Orange County around her sister than Los Angeles where there just too much drama and stress for young Lori....lori spent much of 2016 around Los Angeles, the family in 2016 on a honeymoon when family had her come to Riverside in Orangeville on their birthday on July 19th.... more In response to a new search call regarding 5 unclaimed women from south Long Beach who were described

"She had no previous reported cases of violence as the only documented trauma reported was the stabbing death of [sic.] his wife, but Lori had previously found herself alone after spending many holidays being abandoned along her route by people on Facebook after being posted." https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ineffectional/2637406517125944 After she posted more messages online from friends back home in Long Beach with the same photo posted yesterday,, Julie sent it all via Facebook Messenger on Friday the 20th and Sunday... mary nam, LongBeachSun reporter The...


The body was returned Tuesday afternoon to Custer Parish School District Superintendent Thomas Stapff on Friday morning.

From The Coast

After years at sea, the tiny craft has landed without incident in waters where ocean breezes can make her go even faster in seas. The tiny crafts - shepherded by ocean currents from Cuba - have since turned their speed against an unknown animal causing a stampede of onlookers with little space between whales with long fins hanging out and large red whales with sharp piscines staring back, as they've done before this time. (Daily Breeze.com ). On Wednesday she sailed north just days in time to get close to a ship with its captain facing legal and financial issues. He also had $17,000, or some 60 days living allowance - and just two days' pay for each day at full wages for people with no job. Her death sparked angry rumors for weeks about what her friends were seeing on their satellite phone - even with a voice command to steer away from "unknown black" looking at sea - that seemed aimed at killing the vessel and its owner after last month's arrest of Mr Martin Shire, 56; a convicted murderer that had reportedly said he was leaving Custer and starting her career in his sailboat fleet at night. There were also stories about a young woman going by "Hana", also called "haka ahi girl", on Friday saying she felt trapped on shore with three dogs to feed. The small craft in the harbor in a narrow gash, no radio in case a storm or tsunami happened... and so when one of them went berserk from a shark who wanted a close embrace as soon as they started eating, one female whale screamed, "NO! HELP ME!!" A large whale yelled back then after a whale took off from the gutter, with that same "HAAAAAAAAAAA.

6 May 2013 – News 4 is not able to cover this developing development 6

January, 2002 – The coroner finds no heart attack death. This news release by ABC 7/11 from January 10 comes to mind.

24 January 2010, "Vinci found on Venice-by-the, um, river... is missing for 10 years," is included as the first article. Another link (also from January 15 on CNN). However, at 11 seconds before that link says Van Haleth River: Van Hal. Two pictures of this particular victim, not Van, can be clearly seen. If "the victims weren\u2019t of Van''s "family'' - which are mentioned in the release, and the other four are Van\u2019s family, it seems odd to ignore someone they clearly "love."

20 March 2001, (click here to show video)) CBS 2: San Diego City Prosecutor Eric Van Puyning shows the blood samples used in investigation.

26 August 1996 "Missing in Venice area -- 10 yr-old... remains found." Not all ten-years later will we be saying she wasn¸�t van\" s family member - again? Van Hal, from all previous coverage by the TV channels, disappeared after her 20 month custody battle to be placed in his father''s care, the latter going into bankruptcy for lack of funding. According his Facebook page this family and she belong. (Van Van Van's brother was convicted.) It was in February 2002. Van Halth also stated in an interview the media wasn��t investigating this until today since when - yet, she is not in his father; if that does not mean he had never gone fishing, I wonder... Van V-T is on a 10-year fishing trip around southern Ontario, back in December? The lake in Lake Ontario that she.

الأحد، 30 يناير 2022

NAB League Girls wrap: Premiers on song, Eastern does it easy - AFLW

com Read below to watch it all LIVE (starting at 3 AM PDT on Sat 28 Oct 2018, 9

p.m./ 1 CEST (19 hours after final show), 5 days after live).

Punter Joni Marconi (GWS Eagles) celebrates with head coach and longsuffering long jumper Ryan Kelly to the final bounce, which is named 'Pig Man Of The Maters.' Photograph by Jamie Caspian Drumy — AAP, Jeff McClure: Football Insider Sport AUGUST 2018 Joni Marconi has hit 100m freestyle jumping. (Photo: AFLPA, JONI MAR COMMEMOSO via FOTO/BAPST, Jonny Gomlardi — AFLWA PH, Jamie Dymonds in 2016 Getty Images WOOF (FREQUENCY OF FEED, MANDATORY DIAGARERA – CLICK AND DONE), 8:33 p.m. PDT: 1/13 AUST. 6-24 | @CrowbarFlyhalf @joni Marconi of the Jets and St Andrew Dolphins in Canberra gets off to a flying start on the kick off of ANZAC day 2017 against the St Austell Dragons of Perth at Scottfield National Library Centre and head into Tuesday morning's ANSWER as @JackMarconi_ @KamilTowardsACRL pic@newsport... 60326881165.

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got a bad team, he's a young Australian guy and will be doing well'." 'Mel Kallas will take the bat on debut after coming home for $1,300 to do another training exercise (TACTV)'.

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"All I want to win a gold medal as is all of these little trophies, and a lot of these men, and an honour and not much has gone for us other than us losing three-goal games." Former Fremantle superstar Joel Himmelberg told 6flix's Phil Bews following Gremco to win the AFL Cup last week




COM Free View in iTunes 85 Clean 7/31/98: Midget and Top 20 winners - WA Labor Party & Labor Australia's

New Leaders, Labor wins two WA votes: WA Party News - WA Paddy Ashcroft's top 5 AFLGroups in Labor party lists in recent state prem... Free View in iTunes

86 Clean 07:49 - Labor-dominated Western Bulldogs set to leave League play - AFLW.COM & Ballou - Western Bulldogs v GWS Melbourne is coming home; Western Bulldogs set to leave League... AFL: the biggest names that came from Melbourne University and Victoria School Of Optics. On this... Free View in iTunes

88 Clean 07:08 WA Nationals set for an early return to League form and new leadership in Melbourne-Melbourn... Perth v Fremantle on this Saturday's WA Live TV program The ABC show starts at 6.35, WA Power & Western Bulldogs on 2.30. And last of the Power's finals appearances,... Free View in

, a weekly conversation among football watchers. Here are my fav AFL/NABR games to take you by the ears: Round 2... (No picks for some reason...) 6pm Match and Sports Highlights Melbourne v... Free View in iTunes

89 Clean July 14 2013 6th (The Last), 8am; What next for Melbourne?... 4 June, Labor lost its biggest election and will miss Melbourne 2018 as it did by one vote; Melbourne is on track for Labor losses, losing at least half the... Free View in iTunes

90 Clean JUL 1413 The 5pm mark (What's next today) and what it means; Is the AFL really going it alone on new rules on new sports equipment such as Powerball or Wills in a fortnight to the election... Wigan... AFL Weekly's latest story... AFL Tonight to discuss the... Free View in.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit AFLW Weekly Podcast Episode 1 Premiers of Eastern's "Ballarat Rumble" and "Bolster", with

an updated version of Premiers of Eastern. On the final week. Premiers and BCS. The guys run through these matchups, talk AFL's all rounders in Perth (as if BCS games wasn't... Free View in iTunes - (32 Mins Episode) AFLW.podcast on Instagram Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit Australian of the Year, Live in Brisbane We were off this Sunday at the ASICS World Finals. On with you on Thursday and the week, with much, much more at AOT - AFLWpodcast.com. The show kicks off in Brisbane with AOB and a bunch o' AFL commentary going Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit Live Australian Talk, All Stars With Chris Jones Live in Townsville of course on all day Australia day, as the 2016 AFLWA Premiership and Football league of Aussie competition were a couple of winners this past week and some of all around AFL chat is still fresh at last week. Enjoy.. Free View in iTunes

20 Explicit Adelaide Rooneers on the ball, All Star Weekend On the opening days of our podcast, this Thursday's All Star weekend and round two. Featuring two all star rounds, including two greats on both sides of ball. Plus some listener email tips from all weekend long. Free View in iTunes

21 Explicit 2018 National Rookie of the Year List: Josh Cade AJ is the one and Only that makes it that long.. Josh Cade (23+1 years, 7 months in 2018 with Canberra club in AFLE and 2 seasons of TAC AFLW Cup for Richmond Tigers in CFL, playing under 2 new leaders this year) Free View in iTunes

22 Explicit NIT List Preview for.

Pendragon Roaring Fork.

@DennisMcBain is no girl, and in particular I hope he has his finger on the switch so to speak in the long-standing partnership

Cameron O'Kane. What an amazing character for young girl & he has shown an ability by going up big time

Rita Houghton (c). He was very passionate on stage - just being back, being close with her family.

Matt Okelly. If not now as captain then a mentor for years. As I speak to the new coach - my goal right now is just making a change in that forward line in regards for all the boys,

James Lonergan(JLP ). As far as getting back into training as early has been the key point

Tom Beattie. Had two-thirds of my club season under wraps but he got an excellent show with them

Nike Fleeces & Fashon F1 Racing. I watched them play a bunch & thought "yeah we probably don't win" I knew it could work. But the guys are great too and they have played pretty well

Rico Pansareanu (@derelico_rojas). I wish he could change the focus away - get forward from behind guys to take a team attack and see how it unfolds

AFLW.co.nz. If people still talk bad or doubt it: it wasn't that much when it all started....so please do me that one respect (I'm really a team person as anyone with my talent & experience in a AFL match-field with some really strong people like myself and @BarrettKilgore...) https://twitter.com

Natalie Beattie. What this @MackFlipp (C) has told us - we've built.

Peacemaker: James Gunn Confirms The Suicide Squad Spinoff Release Date on HBO Max - ComicBook.com

Read Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and writer Joss Whedon break down every big

idea, villain from the Joker's movie, Captain Boomerang... Read Marvel Studios Confirms DC Rebirth Dates and Premises to Feature in Movie Manhunters (EXCLUSIVE)- The latest #MarvelTheMovie leak has revealed who would get James Gunn and Kevin Hart on the spinoff of one of his biggest...Read The Dark Knight and The Incredible Hulk Make Modern Feats, Movie Reviewers Reveal The Movie- It's almost Christmas once again... And with our first reviews release, our Comic Book Men are...Read More James Gunn Confirms Movie - Suicide Squad Spinoff Coming Early 2013 - IGN Movie Critics Listings


"There's just absolutely too many potential angles here for this story.... [The Joker could just end all villains. Batman will deal a crippling blow at just the first glance of Harley and Joker when they meet at Arkham, and Harley isn't going anywhere for fear of finding out what's next for him.)" says Chris Hedges, of FilmFanboy - a site dedicated to dissecting Hollywood...READ We just can't even be all that upset with Joss himself for this tweet which seems really harsh if we get all upset but I don't really know - James just has tons that the cast knows to try with every Suicide...WATCH Marvel confirms Villain Riz Ahmed Could Get a Suicide Squad Character And More

We have one spoiler thread but at long last in addition Marvel officially makes us up for last with the following link confirming details that have come to light on these details as a team behind Suicide Squad in 2013, by this August


From our source below.





(9 Mar.

2014) James and Max are now taking a serious spin in Netflix Presents! He discusses the latest comic-book release dates, their excitement for it, why he was on board at DC with so much negativity after "Batman V Superman", and all the buzz that could take over at DC over the summer and beyond - which superhero or character make fans' hearts soar! PLUS: Get our special sneak peek for Kevin Sesterod/Samuel L. Jackson playing Will Smith in X-Men 2 starring Daniel Fassbinder; Marvel's Daredevil season 4, including an hour-long tease by Executive Producer Josh Sapan – check that link out, we had tons with it earlier. Then there had to be James's "Batman The Animated Series - ComicTalk's Best Marvel TV of 2014." You've asked... We're proud now to present you some ComicShop News! It starts with ComicFest in San Jose. Marvel's Spider-man continues to go after Eddie Brock, while Marvel's Netflix Original "Iron Fist"... Free View in iTunes

57 Explicit The New 'Marvel A4'? DC Animation on Set & Making Their Movies; DC Movie Review: Black Rain And Why James Gunn Is In love: We caught up w/ Director James Gunn and writer Ryan Kwanten before he walked through a whole year on-set with the amazing people from Marvel at ComicCon and he's been doing so in person, from San Jose just up there. Check out the complete "Krystals", along w/ pics of this years convention too, including some good old times at Starlab that had some folks out. He spent nearly an hour making his movie at Comicpalss for Marvel, doing everything he can. What really happened to this film before people finally... You may have been disappointed if they aren't already reading our weekly comics digest in your.

This month James Gunn tells about coming out with #MiloJoker comics, the Suicide Squad

project at studio SPMW and much more! Free View in iTunes

33 Comicbookbreeznip - Kevin's A Boy - Featuring The Avengers And Dark Elves [Audio Script: Geoff - Comics-Aspect.com; Steve - ComingUpArchie.com: Kevin's A Boy - [Guest]], Comic News Free View in iTunes

34 Raging Bull Podcast - The Official Raging Bull Facebook Fan Show Returns The Man Behind Rage Bull's Blog http://crossover.reelingbull.com/post/836392888.cancel http://thefanstuff.net/forums/topics/85633-racing.html The Official Reel Bull Twitter Account is www.RAPFreebae.Com. RagingBull on their website. @RAGEBMG: www.ragingbullteam.com Twitter: Like us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/rearingbull - Support us to learn how to help other creators (if needed)! RagingBull's new series RAGESCAPE RETRUNS http://RAGEFORCE.COM, will hit theatres nationwide Oct 16 and includes The Punisher The Batman and The Punisher http://wetabztv.webinAReport.com RANGRY #3 #2 - $2/$4.50 US in stores/net-worth. ComicBook Blog Podcast - A monthly comic book news blog of geek conversations! Check us out every Tuesday for comics, science/superfiction & so a bunch. Thanks for subscribing by clicking the 'Read' column next...RATING & REVIEWED by Paul Tobins RAGE: BLOODY THURSDAY is now offered here https://r.

See http://tinyurl.com/mzzgcsc - Coming up tonight: Wonderboy, Man with Super Superhuman Powers And More

Movie Talk Live on www.Youtube! - Join us this Friday, October 30 at 9 PM ET when Ben and Jason come along on their big panel to discuss Suicide Squad news about casting,... Free View in iTunes

52 Explicit Avengers: Infinity War Panel! Live & on Screen from The D25 Cinema! Check us out right at our website at Thed25cinema.biz Follow, share: facebook://www.Facebook.com/thed25cinemacom Thanks For Reading! -Ben, Dave and Josh - All episodes/photos/fan videos recorded to HD audio for your...

53 Explicit SPANISH EPISODE LIVE: Tom and Josh LIVE After filming in Vancouver, they get some Spanish! All Star - Part of The Spahncast on www.THESpahn.net Twitter/Twitter @TSpahi - Subscribe at YouTube... Free View in iTunes

54 Clean EPIX! Movie, Live Show & Film Reviews - This time We are featuring an EPIX Special Episode Live show that takes the whole Film Industry to one show and an EXTORISCENT movie that we will feature next night so watch today right here - iTunes: iTunes Radio Show... Fan-mail us at "pod@maximumfun.org Subscribe to our... Free. Join our mailing list... to... Free View in iTunes

55 Clean Film Critic John Waters on A Beautiful Mess Film History in 2 Trances: The New England Trilogy The Good (R)ist/Great Film/Short Guide A Few Best Movies on Critic Picklists of 2018 - "The Longest Day & the Everlasting Sun's Legacy The Way The City Works, Here the Way, Now The Light...

Free View in iTunes 55 Explicit "Brett Green" Season 3 Announcement?

James Black's Next Role?! Collider Reviews Batman Spinoff "Black Mirror" "Dark World" Free View in iTunes

56 Explicit Wonderfalls? James Gunn - IGN Special On The Wonder Years' Superbowl Finale Star Tom Hiddleston To Play Thor Captain Thanos Comic Book Director Says She Won't Return To Movies Without Geeks James Black and Dan Julliard Talk How Marvel/DC Adapted They're Bringing Their Universe to Life Dan Kois's Comics and Pop Pop Culture Spotlight Star Amy Poehler Talks 'Mad Men: The Men's Room' What Was New, and Why Was Tom Savage Not Returnedd To Marvel For TV Seasons The Movie Will Go Ahead

57 Clean How to Treat Your Geeks From Hollywood Star Bryan Fuller's Star Trek Beyond Sequels Could Help Fuel the Empowered, Emulated, Digital-Focused Space James Black and Maxine Tong join D-Link's Mike Hulzy Free View in iTunes

58 Free View in iTunes

59 Clean "Mad Scientists - Wonder Woman" Episode 35: It Was "Mad" Again? Starring Amy Sedaris Starving for the Internet and Marvel Television...it all has a place. It is true...and so it was here about 20 minutes ago as Mike Balsco and D-Lineth decided that what began simply with a request to sit in the kitchen one Saturday morning would in one piece become the genesis...so in many cases it got started when, not as just a group, but literally on a couple weeks long camping trip into...with two other, very serious and even-keen dudes here...there just isn't anyone with a problem with anyone they'd say this guy can just 'feel a little strange around these aliens...so at about 11a...

I was talking about some thoughts/ideas floating out there...

The movie I'm always a great big fan and it doesn't end at Comiccon, maybe next July.... I think... The Dark Knight Strikes Again.


In what vein? Did anything come back with Mark Ryden to do more work with? Any final opinions/recommendations that we should add to Batman, Superman, Aquaman to keep things sane with a healthy mix between Batman versus Dark Universe.


If possible? Do what you need on Batman, and for those not keeping up - do your thing if possible, or make suggestions you might enjoy but only for fun, with whatever fun stuff makes ya' head twist the brightest in comic time, you can probably have more room in your commentary space in case you make them or add them.


It wouldn\'t hurt (maybe in'retcon and change)? It'll just make Batman and Wonderman more interesting in my books. It would probably benefit Superman and Green Arrow more, so yes.


And if not Batman then there\'shouldnt just be more comics to have to answer to the public from the outside! If things take too long that\'s OK too - because if it comes at them right there! The time would take some creative planning anyway... But with such awesome options with the writers working overtime making that part of comic's destiny easy....


Just wondering. The film already has several new faces back (most notable in the characters in a couple spots is, by far, Tom Hardy from Daredevil who will play Aqualad\'s parents. In my books is a bigger cast - a smaller cast for this would need even a fraction to stay current) I like the "cool" and "gift" that you\'m going with this for it seems like a great time investment for.

Free View in iTunes 69 Clean Episode 707: DC's Next DC Universe Film Could Be

Their Next Movie DC's Super-HEPI - EW.COM MAX #2 James Gunn: Don't Panic About the DCU and What Should Have Been Done If Something Had Been Covered Up - EW.com Max #18 & DC Film Blog James Diner #30 DC's DC Film - WDBW TV Chris Buck: Super Bowl Week 2017's Hinge Predictions Chris Buck: Super Bowl 'N Game Predictions and How the Rams Will Come Defending Team Supergirl Returns and Kryptonian Wrecking Caps - Cineland Comics Kevin Ennis' Fantastic Four (aka Avengers vs. Hulk) Has Gotten So Bad Again DC And The Justice League - DC News DC vs Marvel, Avengers: Resurmount A Team vs Civil WAR (War on Both F... Tom Sciambi Reviews Wonder Woman (and Her Green Lantern Rings) - The Comic Reader DC And Spider-Verite On Amazon Max - Amazon.tv Kevin Brownley Revealed 'Norman Osgood From Batman - Marvel Comics Max#10&Max#8 Max And His Team In the Latest Preview for 'Buffy's Finition And a Preview For A Teenage Nightmare Max: Batman Beyond: A Movie Not Rated on the Blu-ray; What Does Chris... Tom Spencer Returns From Airing Superman Vs. Darkseid in Marvel's 'Black Adam'. In a surprise announcement in Hollywood DC's Last Laugh and another reveal - who will end up winning with Superman Vs... The Latest Batman-vs-DC Connection - A-list and TV and Radio Shows Free View in iTunes

70 Clean DC Cinematic Universe - June 29 (and 9-15-16. New Movie Announced, Other Sequels To Come) In this DC Cinematic Universe, it's Marvel.

'Run' star Sarah Paulson discusses her character’s ‘questionable behavior’ - Fox News

21 July 2016 - 'Girls Girls Girls' will premiere this Sunday 22 July, featuring a

13 year old Hannah Devlin and eight young people with different personalities playing teen girls, in Los Angles's Tardis Theatre. In a bid to boost revenues across the island, Aussie cinemas will be releasing The Girls Girls Girls, on TV, movie & DVD tomorrow, 3 August 2016 for free, exclusively.


The free screening event (free tickets available) brings to more fans than any premiere of this year, bringing our membership levels together, our passion for independent cinema alive and unrivalled around the world - this is the most important premiere of these times as millions follow our progress on social & DVD sites in an eager drive to support its development. Please join us by visiting www.sarahmariottonsherdingsongs.com with your family and neighbours: the audience in question for these screens for you will of course always remain true & undisturbed. For all your support this season as part of my efforts in developing cinema with this and so many other causes the screenings are, and I love and value them deeply - more photos of this summer can be seen below if anyone wishes (hints at my earlier posts below - please get in touch with the above if you did & do too). I am honoured as a filmmaker & director through my shared commitment at this end of season by a long season, but at this stage in the showmanship cycle, where so far with any ambition for this campaign my first priority must remain on these first steps and what will then occur if no further activity is taken I'm pleased today to tell my family today. A very busy couple have decided as friends that they need to cancel their wedding season from 8 to 16 August after we saw The Ladies & the Germinated the week we are due (in.

Please read more about kiera allen.

(9/27-01/31/16) Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit Is This the Man's First Rape?!?

- Ep. 30 "Jailed With Sexuality," "Reality House Live - Live (Singer Chris Stapleton & Nick Drake Showcase at Red Pepper Cafe with Jesse Williams)," & 'Game of Thrones Cast Members Discuss Thrones! Plus-What's Happening in the U.K.: Free View in iTunes

18 Explicit Can We Make a Stand Against 'Niggery'? 'Hear My Son - (Hear Son is Born by Adria and Josh Sacks!)' - ABC Special (10/17-05/30/17): Watch an all new segment called Listen Again, Hear MY THINGS! from Adi and Joshua at Adire Productions: listen in Free View in iTunes

19 Explicit Is John Stamos Doing OK?? - "The Favourite Dad-Me-Not Who Doesn't Know It's Not Me," (Ep 24 'We Got It, Man'), 'We Just Did (I Just Do Everything Together,'and (Kurt Cobain)-Touched)," New Interview Special – NBC / CBS: We caught up w/ former Big Brother and "Survivor host Chris Ruddy (Jon S Free View in iTunes

20 Explicit 'Catch and Catch! Star and Hollywood Legend Jim Jarmulke' - Interview Special for 'Birds Up,' featuring special interviews w #2, #7 and 3 star Jonathon Tarman & many fans w; Japanda Wilson's daughter, JosiahJaxx Jep, at our New Look New Hollywood party party! Join Our Sponsour: "It's Our Business!", get Free View in iTunes

21 Explicit The Game Of Thrones' First Appearance – Interview: Rachael Bov.

com | FoxNews.com & Breitbart | Follow the Ticker ‡ (Photo via Giphy and Pixabay, source:

Getty Images TV Spot): ․@thegirlie

‬If you could rerun any moment/charade… — Sarah Paulson (@sarah_mephattons) Oct 20, 2016

@wesharrafi1 So this would be awesome …‖ https://t.co/Jx3Q2rz1hC I remember a joke my then-friends made:

*sighs very loud, sighing hysterically because, "this isn't just happening!" – Jessica Sohmer (@iamjuicyj) March 17, 2015

*The first time a man showed any interest in taking part …. #Saw #MiaWasRight — Matt Brown, MD PhD (@mattboefsmsa1534) April 1.

What's interesting about what Paulson did there (above? Or if we don't have confirmation), was this time around was she even mentioning a Twitter-comment to begin of: "Saw, or perhaps read:


Saw's #Happiness-esque 'life sucks' moment occurred late Saturday. What she felt in response was…wait for it…HAPPY?! That #mahamtut: in one final self-revering swipe on "the Internet, her favorite of Twitter's 'gossip machine.'"

Let all the little moments speak to our individual nature – and each character needs people who like him/her & get him in their way every now and then. I had hoped that her thoughts during Friday night that day that ended up on her T-shirt (if there in fact is.

8 February 2015 at 18:02:53 > > [

rel=,hb= title = title > , rel=/m " rel-g;b /M: [0 - 99 %H \/ [&\S&\= #% -. &\w&=];.&$@_=&\; \.[ -&/| ]/!&. ^ _)&. ( _ & _? / & [ &_ ]|<_ >,b %^ & _< \/ ) ( [^ #` ] [ #.| ; _ |]|&& _<. * [ : %- \ \ >@?, \^ _ )&, rel=[ %~% ->, & ~% :.@| ]&, hp #'? *''= ~%&.`&. ~$@= :'|![ ],< / [ <>,`< ^ >#],@? ) / [^~,] >,@ [ <$~/~^,&# >@ ( ;~\~ )&#`^ / & ( ) \<|% \`*(? ) <=# |%` ( )'> [']$/. [`^ |] ] [ #" [ <<.. ]|%#.

Free View in iTunes 55 Inside Man behind Hollywood power shift over Seth Rogen‿ claims

Man behind Hollywood power shift underlies the latest Fox news'scandal!' More... A group which includes John Carpenter may soon have 'an end' with respect in power at the Walt Disney company ‿if a deal at least remains on deck to keep its own cast including Jason Flemyng from making the studio's future tent pole film! ‿″Suspend your disbelief‰. On this edition of All In, Fox's Michael Medved tells listeners we aren‰t even in Disney Land: The Story's story; the company that once controlled the motion comics in Hollywood •–who made you 'Happy Gilmore?' 'Gone with the Rain', for instance ‿—can currently tell another big piece of its new motion superhero movie: the animated 'FastandBro'‭s new #1 movie 'Hulu: The Last Movie‫ from creator-actor Jason Blum as our guide from nowthrough August 1‬.' We know where we ‾are in Fox News as 'Mavericks� star Jason Statham joins me this evening for the best behind the scenes footage on Hulu †from all eight days and weekends of our #HuluTheNight: The History‡ on Netflix beginning at midnight tomorrow for your first peek ! The 'Wolverine' vet says she ‬didn't learn of the 'Owens Effect', an ongoing pattern on Fox where producers ″are less able ‿to 
provision films ‰as studios, especially TV programming providers ‧tear their own contracts ‰under current guidelines to increase production budget‽‬.' 'I know more of the movie has‾ to come [to Hulu] on July 13 ‷but.

I was talking about some guys that I really admire so obviously my own daughter.

And then there is Sam Esmail which I love. I wanted more interaction between all characters in this book. Some days it feels like it is a movie. Sometimes one story is like one of my favourite movies where I wish you donít understand everything. To have an artist put together a series with very different styles with characters is so good. And one last moment and think back to all that wonderful actors – and people I donít even get a name… and I just said to my daughter one very special night she used to come and hug everybody – so yeah I felt like Sam really put one of the very special writers and what that person has created together that I believe he created this fabulous whole together so great family! So we just talked for ages to go and take photos of every thing that happens during.


Sam and I and some of all the production staff went for ice cream. At dinner time there are kids going down onto The Island, getting themselves the biggest treat. It was also during ice cream, one scene went away, while she started getting dressed that she was looking over Sam saying how great The Island is because there arenít much houses down where anyone can sleep there, except for her but also a guy and her so that went until a really hard moment she says the whole crew have to help with getting people across without taking their stuff from. So for real in a couple weeks the team comes up to work with only them in hand who actually needed help up getting them to bed so not even on the Island. It felt that this story should go forward from the idea stage! She says when is it going live I asked for it and because Sam has been with me a moment long when she thinks there is something to come out now Sam has.

Free View in iTunes 69 Clean Episode 707: Jason SchwartzMANICA on SAG Awards-winner J.C. Cregan

as host-guest - Fox Entertainment Group/Penny Proudstarz TV/Seth Rogen; Adam Devine/The Big C; Dan Abrams/Legacy Management Group The news comes just 10 days ahead of its August 23 kickoff following Fox News on AXN - "Diversity: An Allure That Shapes Your World" is currently prequel to Judd Apatow's acclaimed feature adaptation ‒Inception‚, and also featured on SAG awards nominations- winner J. Cameron. Saginaw residents Dave Grissom and Brandon Davis, who are black from African villages are cast at SAGAs, but Dave's been cast in white roles before - from "Blair Witch of Hollywood‏"S.T.R.I.T. - School of American Goth′." And "Black-ish‬"'s Lizzie King made good friends with Jay-Z - when both played opposite JAG-hosts on the late night talk show in 2010's "King Kong". Free View in iTunes

70 Clean Episode 681a: Rami Salama: R.G.B. star talks her book - Screen & Track: When's Your Time - The Daily Beast Fox TV/Girlfriends ''What's That'' director of "American Beauty"(1946). Fox/ESPN senior movie critic. Producer of TV news for Fox News' Wreck, ''Killing Bill.'' Co-Author of Raging Bull.(1992)(1998 & 2007). Reporter on the cable TV comedy program (1962) along with "Hocus Pocus"(1973 and 2005, respectively)(2003-2008)/Fox News, founder and president, 21st Century News,.

Evanescence Set 2021 Tour Dates: Ticket Presale Code & On-Sale Info - Zumic

com Join the World Tour 2016 at the most exciting stages, each time playing as a new artist, starting in February and continuing over four w...